Unlock the Secret to Zero-defect Mortgage Audits: Get Your Free E-Book Today!

Are you involved in mortgage quality control? Our comprehensive e-book, "Mortgage Audit QC Checklist: Essential Tool for Loan Integrity," is a vital resource tailored just for you. This guide meticulously covers everything from pre-funding to post-closing checks, ensuring all regulatory, investor, and internal standards are met with absolute precision.

Inside, you’ll find detailed sections of:

  • Pre-Fund Checklist: Authenticating borrower information, scrutinizing credit histories, and confirming loan compliance.
  • Post-Close Checklist: Validating crucial details post-funding to safeguard against discrepancies and ensure compliance.

This e-book is indispensable for:

  • Mortgage QC Auditors
  • Loan Officers
  • Compliance Managers
  • Risk Assessment Professionals

This detailed mortgage audit checklist will benefit everyone involved in the mortgage process. It will ensure a thorough understanding and application of necessary checks and balances.

Fill out the form to leverage the insights and methodologies captured in this e-book to transform your mortgage audit process today. Ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and streamline your operations now! 

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

What does your pricing model look like?

We price based on the annual volume of pages and complexity of document type.  We can get you preliminary pricing once we outlined a solution.  Let's do this.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

How can I try Infrrd before I commit to a full deployment?

Sure.  The first step is to schedule a guided demo where you get to jump into the thick of it.  After you explore our solution you can try a proof of concept. When you're ready, you can deploy the system to one use case.  Then more use cases.  Then across your enterprise.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

How does your system integrate with others in my enterprise?

We play nice.  Our solutions are API-based.  Your documents are feed into the solution using APIs. And extracted data is sent out through APIs.  We use REST APIs.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

Does your solution run in the cloud or on premise?

Our solution is cloud-native but is also design for premise deployments.  Your choice on how you want to deploy it.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

Does Infrrd run on mobile or desktop device?

Glad you asked.  Our data extraction process runs on servers.  We have found performance and accuracy decline when running on a desktop or mobile device. (Remember Infrrd is running a powerful AI stack).

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

Does your system work out of the box or does it require training?

Common documents and use cases work out of the box.  The cool thing is your solution will improve as the system learns from your documents upfront and over time.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

How does your solution handle corrections?

Did you know no system is 100% accurate all the time?  When extraction errors occur you want to correct them.  We provide a simple UI that your business analyst will use to make corrections.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

Does your solution work with handwriting?

Our solution excels at data extraction from handwriting.  We've got proprietary methods and techniques that do the trick.  It's pretty cool.  See for yourself.

To know more, book a 15-min session with an IDP expert

Ready to get started?

See our platform in action to experience the transformative efficiencies it can bring to your processes