Types of Document Classification Methods (Complete Guide)

Irin P P
Updated On
February 23, 2024
Essential Role of Document Classification
Advancements with AI, ML, and NLP
Benefits of Using Infrrd for Document Classification
8 min
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In today’s digital age, effective data governance isn’t just a convenience; it’s essential. Businesses are flooded with information every day, making organization and distribution a daunting challenge. Traditional manual processes are struggling to keep up, increasing momentum with automated document classification powered by AI, ML, and NLP. This guide explores various approaches to document classification from traditional to cutting-edge AI solutions and outlines their advantages, drawbacks, and real-world applications.

What is Document Classification?

Document classification is a method of classifying documents based on content, structure, or metadata characteristics. It analyzes textual and visual elements of documents and assigns them to pre-defined categories or units, making it easier to organize, retrieve, and manage information Document classification is essential to an effective document classification software because it makes it possible to search, list, and navigate.

Challenges of Document Classification

Subjectivity and ambiguity: The content of documents may be subjective or ambiguous, which makes categorization difficult. The content of documents may be interpreted differently by various people, which might result in inconsistent classification across users or departments. 

Scalability: As the volume of documents in organizations increases exponentially, manual distribution channels struggle to keep up. Manually filling large documents is time-consuming and labor-intensive, leading to complications and inefficiencies.

Complexity of document types: Different types of texts, formats, and languages make classification difficult. Traditional classification methods struggle to handle different document types, resulting in errors or misclassification.

Lack of standards: Errors in standard names, text, or document structure can make it difficult to categorize documents. Without defined processes and rules, organizations may find it difficult to maintain consistency and accuracy in document classification. 

Training and knowledge: Effective literature classification requires domain knowledge and subject matter knowledge. Accurately classifying documents can be difficult and time-consuming, especially for specialized or niche paper types. 

Maintenance and adaptability: Document classification systems should be continually updated and maintained in line with evolving literature and organizational needs with outdated or inefficient classification models potentially resulting from failure to update rules and standards.

Automated Document Classification

A vital goal in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is document classification, automatically classifying documents into labels or groups according to their content. Documents can be effectively categorized into preset groups, such as spam, news topics, sentiment, or legal categories, by utilizing techniques like text preparation, feature extraction, and machine learning algorithms. Email filtering, news classification, sentiment analysis, and organizational document management are just a few of the uses that this approach makes possible. Aside from saving time and effort, automated document classification improves accuracy and consistency over manual techniques. This is especially important for managing the ever-increasing amounts of textual data that are common in the modern digital world. 

Using NLP and document classification with machine learning approaches, document classification is the automated process of classification of documents into predetermined classifications. It addresses the difficulties brought on by the exponential expansion of data volumes by facilitating the effective organizing, retrieval, and analysis of textual data across a variety of areas. This automated classification of documents method facilitates decision-making, optimizes workflows, and advances a range of applications that depend on efficient text data handling.

Types of Document Classification

Manual document classification:

The process of classification of documents manually into predetermined classes or categories according to their content is done by humans. Using this method, people go over each document's content and manually tag or label each one based on their knowledge of the topic. When working with tiny datasets or specialized documents or when accurate classification is essential and cannot be consistently accomplished using automated techniques, manual document classification is frequently employed. Manual classification is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and subject to inaccuracies, especially when the volume of documents increases, but it has the benefit of human skill and nuanced understanding.

Automated document classification:

The fast and accurate alternative to manual sorting is automated document classification. Documents are quickly found, classed, separated, consolidated, and handled based on their kind within an Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) system. This procedure follows: 

  • Seamless auto-classification of documents, eliminating the need for pre-sorting or the insertion of separator pages.
  • Documents are automatically routed to the relevant departments according to their content.
  • Effective classification of single- and multi-page materials.
  • Finding documents that have pages missing or incorrect.
  • Faster batch document verification during scanning.
  • Confidential materials are assigned to the appropriate team members for additional processing.

Three Main Levels of Document Classification

In an Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) workflow, automated document classification functions at three different levels:

1. File format identification:

First, the system ascertains the document's format, i.e., jpeg, png, pdf, tiff, or some other format. It also indicates if the file is scanned or not, which is important for additional processing.

2. Identifying the structure within the document:

Based on their structure, documents are divided into three primary categories:

  • Structured documents:

The structured documents follow standard formats and layouts which contain tables or structured data. Financial reports and inventory lists are examples of structured documents. 

  • Semi-structured documents:

The semi-structured documents are different from structured documents. The layout and template may be different but this maintains a consistency in key-value pairs and tables. The best examples of semi-structured documents are purchase orders or delivery receipts.

  • Unstructured documents:

These documents won’t contain any structure. The text will be in the paragraphs without tables and formats. Contracts, letters, and research papers are the examples of unstructured documents.

3. Identifying the document type:

  • Pre-processing:

This stage aims to improve the document quality for additional analysis and may take place prior to determining the document structure. To ensure the best processing quality, methods such as deskewing, binarization, and noise reduction distinguish the text from the background.

  • Tagged dataset:

When training a statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP) classifier, the tagged dataset's quality is essential. The size and caliber of the dataset should be adequate to enable distinct distinctions between different sorts of documents.

  • Classification methods:

There are two main approaches to classification:

Visual Approach: Visual analysis identifie­s document types through layout and structure without te­xt reading. It uses computer vision to spot shape­s, patterns, and visual designs. Visual technique­s excel at categorizing forms, invoice­s, and surveys with consistent formats. By dete­cting unique visual eleme­nts for each type, the syste­m accurately classifies without text compre­hension. This visual approach is efficient for quick cate­gorization during scanning based solely on appearance­, conserving time and resource­s.

Text Classification Approach: The te­xt classification method sorts writings into pre-set groups by e­xamining content. OCR technology extracts te­xt from documents. NLP methods analyze the­ content. Text is classified at docume­nt, paragraph, phrase, or sub-sentence­ levels depe­nding on analysis needs. This method is suitable­ for various document types, structured and unstructure­d, as document classification relies on text conte­nt rather than appearance. Te­xt classification is adaptable and appropriate.

Automated Document Classification Techniques

  • Computer vision features recognition:

Computers can re­cognize visual stuff like pictures, logos, and formatting. This le­ts them understand how to classify documents like­ invoices and tax forms. Instead of just reading te­xt, they study the layout and style. Machine­s can see tables and logos as visual clue­s. So, automated classification software classifies the documents correctly without nee­ding to read every single­ word. Handling invoices and tax papers gets e­asier this way. It's a smart technique for stre­amlining document sorting by looking at visuals. Algorithms no longer rely only on the­ words, instead utilizing visual details and patterns unique­ to each type of document.

The compute­r uses a special technique­ called "computer vision feature­ recognition" to look at documents very close­ly and understand their visual layout. This allows it to really study how to classify documents.. Afte­r breaking the documents into tiny pixe­ls, the computer can then find the­ common visual patterns and traits of different docume­nt types. It recognizes things like­ tables, logos, or special formatting styles that act like­ a visual signature. With this visual signature, the compute­r can accurately identify what kind of document it is just from how it looks.

Computer vision feature­ recognition isn't just for classifying documents. It's useful for re­cognizing pictures, detecting obje­cts, and understanding scenes too. This te­chnology powers many innovations we use today, like­ image-based search e­ngines or self-driving cars. And it kee­ps improving quickly as scientists develop more­ advanced deep-le­arning models and algorithms to make computer vision e­ven better at unde­rstanding visuals.

  • Text recognition:

Text re­cognition examines and interpre­ts textual content in documents. It's crucial for accurate­ly classifying documents. Meaningful information extracts from te­xt documents using approaches like natural language processing (NLP), rule-based text recognition (RBR), and optical character recognition (OCR). The­se algorithms categorize docume­nts into appropriate groups based on key te­xt characteristics and patterns. This streamline­s document management and re­trieval.

Three Ways of Text Recognition:

  • Optical character recognition (OCR):

It is a fundamental method for extracting text from scanned documents or pictures. It functions by using translating characters from their visual representation into text this is readable by way of machines. Characters or words inside an photograph may be recognized using OCR algorithms, which then convert them into digital text that can be processed and examined for document classification. When a report is only available in non-editable formats, like scanned images or PDFs, this method is regularly applied.

  • Rule-based text recognition:

To recognize and categorize text in files, rule-based totally textual content recognition makes use of pre-installed guidelines or styles. These tips are derived from grammatical regulations, syntactic styles, or specific phrases or phrases. A rule-primarily based gadget would possibly categorize documents, for example, depending on whether or no longer they include specific keywords associated with particular topics or sectors. Rule-primarily based methods might not be as bendy and scalable as greater sophisticated machine learning strategies, even though they may be beneficial in a few conditions.

  • Natural language processing (NLP):

To evaluate and realize the semantic that means of the text, NLP is a sophisticated technique that uses system mastering strategies. NLP systems are able to lessen context from text, extract records, and recognize styles in words and sentences. Text vectorization, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling are a few examples of NLP techniques used in record class, which take a look at the textual homes of documents to locate them in suitable categories. In a whole lot of document kinds and domains, NLP-based techniques offer greater flexibility and variation, permitting a more precise and powerful record class.

Classification Models

Unsupervised document classification:

Unsupervised document categorization does not need labeled data; instead, it groups documents into clusters according to content similarities.


  • No Labeled Data Needed: Unsupervised learning is more scalable and economical because it does not require labeled data.
  • Finding Hidden Patterns: Unsupervised learning can find structures and patterns in data that human annotators would miss.
  • Flexibility: Unsupervised learning does not require retraining or re-labeling to adjust to novel and changing document collections.


  • Subjectivity in Interpretation: Unsupervised learning results might be difficult to interpret and evaluate because there are no predetermined labels.
  • Evaluation Difficulty: It might be challenging to assess unsupervised learning algorithms' performance impartially.
  • Cluster Quality: The parameters and algorithm selection have a significant impact on the quality of the clusters produced by unsupervised learning algorithms.

Semi-supervised document classification:

This approach blends aspects of unsupervised and supervised education. To train the classification model makes use of both a greater quantity of unlabeled data and a smaller amount of labeled data.


  • Making Use of Unlabeled Data: Semi-supervised learning makes use of the wealth of unlabeled data to lessen the dependence on labeled data.
  • Better Generalization: Semi-supervised learning can help the model perform better when it comes to generalizing to new data by integrating unlabeled input.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: With less labeled data, semi-supervised learning can perform on par with supervised learning, saving money.


  • Complexity of Implementation: Compared to fully supervised or unsupervised methods, semi-supervised learning algorithms may be more difficult to build and fine-tune.
  • Dependency on Unlabeled Data Quality: The effectiveness of semi-supervised learning can be strongly impacted by the unlabeled data's quality and how well it represents the real data distribution.
  • Problems Balancing Labeled and Unlabeled Data: It might be difficult to decide how much-labeled data is best to use and to balance the ratio of labeled to unlabeled data.

How Document Classification with Infrrd Can Benefit Businesses

100% accurate results guarantee: Infrrd's AI algorithms are trained to accurately classify documents based on their content, whether it's invoices, contracts, or any other type of document. This accuracy ensures that documents are classified correctly, and reduces the risk of errors.

Efficiency in motion: Infrrd's document classification software can process large volumes of documents rapidly, improving overall efficiency in document management workflows. Businesses can save time and resources by automating the classification process, freeing up employees to focus on more value-added tasks.

Customize documents per your needs: Infrrd's solutions typically offer customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the document classification process to their specific needs and requirements. Custom classifiers can be trained to recognize industry-specific document types or to prioritize certain categories over others.

Scale with Infrrd reliably: Infrrd's solutions are designed to scale with the needs of businesses, whether they are processing hundreds or millions of documents. As document volumes grow, Infrrd's technology can handle the increased workload without sacrificing performance or accuracy.


How can IDP help audit QC?

IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) enhances audit QC by automatically extracting and analyzing data from loan files and documents, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and quality. It streamlines the review process, reduces errors, and ensures that all documentation meets regulatory standards and company policies, making audits more efficient and reliable.

Can IDP accurately extract data from low-quality or faded documents?

Yes, IDP uses advanced image processing techniques to enhance low-quality documents, improving data extraction accuracy even in challenging conditions.

How does IDP handle structured versus unstructured data with OCR?

IDP efficiently processes both structured and unstructured data, enabling businesses to extract relevant information from various document types seamlessly.

What advantages does IDP offer over standard OCR technologies?

IDP combines advanced AI algorithms with OCR to enhance accuracy, allowing for better understanding of document context and complex layouts.

How does IDP integrate with existing business systems?

IDP platforms can seamlessly integrate with ERP, CRM, and other enterprise systems, ensuring smooth data flow across departments.

How does IDP improve document accuracy?

IDP leverages AI-driven validation techniques to ensure that extracted data is accurate, reducing human errors and improving overall data quality.

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